
In the UK one could argue that the pandemic is mutating into a Plankdemic. It was never a Plandemic, it became a Pandemic of the Unvaccinated. It has now become a full-on Plankdemic. Fuelled by disinformation, clowns and snake oil pedlars. Meanwhile the Tory government looks the other way, and play dumb.

Categorized as Covid

90 days of a Pandemic of the Unvaccinated

It is now 90 days since the CDC said this was becoming a ‘Pandemic of the Unvaccinated’. Follow 90 days of Covid-19 global news headlines from 16th July 2021 to 14th October 2021, to see if they were right.

Categorized as Covid

It is not about you. It is about us.

It is National Hate Crime Awareness Week. A week in which we saw a child in a wheelchair intimidated and abused, because of different medical beliefs. Nobody should suffer fear, intimidation or abuse simply because of who they are or the life they lead. People need to realise we are interconnected. If we choose to wear a mask or get vaccinated will effect others. It is not about you. It is about us.

Categorized as Covid, Love

The rise and fall of the Plague Enthusiast

This week’s instalment for modern Plague Enthusiasts discusses why we should stop calling anti-vaxxers, anti-vaxxers. Why Plague Enthusiasts risk getting a bad name. Why gravity and pigeons are liars. And why Gillian McKeith don’t know shit.

Categorized as Covid

The De-Evolution of Humanity in an Age of Disinformation

The invention of the printing press didn’t bring about the expected scientific revolution. The first best seller was a DIY guide to tracking down and burning witches. They burnt in their swathes. With the development of web publishing and open source tools like WordPress that promised to democratise publishing, and free social networks we have… Continue reading The De-Evolution of Humanity in an Age of Disinformation

Categorized as Love

Numbers Don’t Lie

71 Things You Need to Know About the World by Vaclav Smil.  I am not great with numbers. I know enough about analytics to realise that the most important thing, is to ask the right questions. Vaclav Smil does just that. And he provides some great succinct answers too. I first heard about this book… Continue reading Numbers Don’t Lie

Categorized as Love

The Hidden Life of Trees

Reading The Hidden Life of Trees will show you just how vital undisturbed forests and woodlands are to the future of our planet and how our appreciation for trees affects the way we interact with the world around us. The book will unlock a wonderland. Of magic, and a deeper understanding of the wonders of… Continue reading The Hidden Life of Trees

Categorized as Love

The Forty Rules Of Love

In an age where ‘holy’ men with big guns are oppressing and judging women. From Kabul to Texas, we have to let the world know that there is only one true religion – Love. The quest for truth is hard, with fictions and misinformation streaming into our eyeballs. Leading some to question our governments and… Continue reading The Forty Rules Of Love

Categorized as Love